Horse: A Wrap of Sensitivity!

One thing in common we find in all mammals is sensitivity. By using Sensitivity here, I mean the ability to feel, predict and know the living creatures' nature and feelings in surrounding with just feeling. Here words or conversation is not the necessity for knowing nature. Just by touch or smell the nature can be known of human by mammals especially the senses are strong in dogs, cats, and horses. From these mentioned animals horse are the most sensible mammal on the earth. A horse can predict different human and other living homour just by smelling or just by touch. This can be considered as a sixth sense or god gift to mammals, especially to horses. Horses are a hot favorite creature for kids and elders. This is also one more bliss by God to Horses. Horses are used in every field of work owing to its sensitiveness and wiseness. Horses can take decisions by their own ability in some crucial time for the beneficiary of their masters. A horse has a good sense of choosing good and bad, dos and don'ts in some sensitive and crucial times.

Horses know how to love their master.  They take care of their master in any and worse situation. They will not make their master involve or fall into any difficult situation. They will take difficulties on itself and save their masters.  This can be considered as one of the best quality of the animal. Dog and  Horses are considered as the most faithful creature on the earth. Horses are included in history for saving many Emperors and King's life in wars. Many Emperors and Kings extended their empire and rule because of the ability of their horse to win battles in the battlefield. Thus, here the wiseness quality of horse is depicted by indicating them in history. There seems good bonding between Emperors and their horses. They don't change their horse for riding until and unless it dies or gets injured. Wiseness and Loving are another two qualities of Horses which we can consider under sensitiveness of Horse.

Horses can predict different moods of humans standing or coming near to it. Horses can quickly know in a fraction of seconds whether the human is fearing or is happy in coming near to it. This is the most powerful sense I consider, as the horse can come to know about the intentions of the human; whether the human is with good intentions or with some bad intentions. They can manage the creatures surrounding it by its own abilities and sensitiveness. A horse can manage to handle persons around or be coming to near it. If it feels something can harm from coming person near to it, a horse can manage to deal with the concerned or respective person. It can be controlled by only the person who has good feeling and love for horses. The person dealing with horses never fear on continuous bucking of horses.

To be Continued in next Blog......


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