Understand nature of Horse....

Animals are very sensitive to nature and the surrounding environment. Amongst the other animals, the horse has gained some special place and attention in the society. From the ancient time, it behaves to be a companion of humans for various tasks such as traveling, transportation, war practice and in many more activities. The horse is an animal having some special attraction among people in society. In society, the horse has served for many people and for many tasks; as it has both Qualities in it i.e. calmness and aggressiveness that balance its nature. Only dogs and horses have acquired a special place in human hearts. Dogs and horses only have been entertained as pets by humans. In ancient times, the dog was not getting attention and care from humans as the horse was getting. The horse remains consistent to be loved and cared in society. Most of the youths are fond of horses, and also there are many horse lovers coming up with their new ideas for horse nurturing and care.

How to get Friendly with the horse?

One of the problems faced by most of the horse-rider and horse-lovers as they got afraid of going near to the horse, as it may not attack them by biting or kicking. But it's very easy to understand the nature of the horse and predict the horse's next move. Being a very sensitive animal it can be difficult

to deal with the animal but on the same side, it's very easy to train and deal with the animal. Many people don't know that horse can feel and know the person's mood through his/her vibrations. By knowing the person, he acts accordingly, if a person is getting afraid he makes a person more afraid and if a person acts friendly he becomes friendly with him. So it depends on the person going near the horse for riding or casually for pampering. When you start knowing this animal, after the pet becomes very friendly that prove to be most supportive and best companion of the person. It is good practice to talk in your native or familiar language with a horse. This results in making horse learn your familiar or native language. It'll start following your commands and interact with you in a prompt way. 

Horse prove to be most helpful and sporty animal. There are many real stories in which horse have saved or helped the persons getting out of the problem. The horse is an animal who will die for once to save its master. On the same side, it is very strong physically that it serves any kind of fields.

  • Steps to handle horse when you are dealing with it for the first time:
  1. A person should remain calm while going near to a horse. This makes the horse become friendly with you.
  2. Then try paneling horse on its face and body, offer some stuff for feeding, etc and try to get friendly with him.
  3. After doing this you'll get somewhat friendly with a horse.
  4. While riding a horse try to talk with a horse,  that'll make horse enjoy running and will follow your commands.
  5. Following all the above points will absolutely make a horse behave more friendly with the person interacting with it.

One main principle to keep in mind while dealing with any animal is that unless and until you don't harm any animal, it'll not harm you. So owing to this point of knowledge from now you should get relax while going near any animal or pet.

In today scenario most country own horse for security purpose and in a military. From ancient times, the horse is used in security and war or defense purpose. A horse is considered as a symbol of victory. It is also considered an important factor considered to achieve victory in war and other games or competitions.


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