
Showing posts from June, 2018

Horse: A Wrap of Sensitivity!

One thing in common we find in all mammals is sensitivity. By using Sensitivity here, I mean the ability to feel, predict and know the living creatures' nature and feelings in surrounding with just feeling. Here words or conversation is not the necessity for knowing nature. Just by touch or smell the nature can be known of human by mammals especially the senses are strong in dogs, cats, and horses. From these mentioned animals horse are the most sensible mammal on the earth. A horse can predict different human and other living homour just by smelling or just by touch. This can be considered as a sixth sense or god gift to mammals, especially to horses. Horses are a hot favorite creature for kids and elders. This is also one more bliss by God to Horses. Horses are used in every field of work owing to its sensitiveness and wiseness. Horses can take decisions by their own ability in some crucial time for the beneficiary of their masters. A horse has a good sense of choosing good a

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