
Showing posts from January, 2019

Ten Common Feeding Mistakes To be Avoided

Feeding is the most usual but very sensitive process to be concerned for horses by their owners. Most of the horse owners enjoy feeding their horse. It's good to see your horse enjoy its meal and coming running to you when it sees you coming with the feed bucket. But it's easy to make a mistake when planning your horse's dietary needs. For the healthy life of your horse, avoid following 10 most common feeding mistakes. 1. Overfeeding As horses are loved by their owners, they usually get overfed.  As horse owners, we usually enjoy looking after our horses and that often means providing them with the best feeds possible. However, it's often we provide our horse with excess food. Overfeeding can lead to problems of obesity including equine metabolic syndrome and can lead to laminitis. If you become a major chef for your horse that does not have unusual or specific food requirements, then you can risk your horse at a high risk. Most horses need a very simple

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